Let’s see how I did on my fabulous flight into forty...
1. Complete 40 blog posts.
This blog is electronic proof of this task etched in
everafter. I have enjoyed writing more than I ever expected. I was never one to
keep a journal or write in a diary. I was surprised how cathartic and enjoyable
blogging is!
2. Lose 40 pounds.
This simply did not happen. In fact, I may have gained 40 pounds since this list was
started! I have realized that I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am happy,
sad, angry, and on and on. I have a lot of work to do on this. I have a lot of
bad habits to break. I have a lot of new patterns to form.
3. Complete 40 Random Acts of Kindness.
Random acts of kindness are fantastic. We did things
such as paying a toll for people behind us in line, putting together plates of
yummies and handing them out randomly throughout our workplace, hellos and
smiles to the next ten people we make eye contact with, and many, many more.
This stuff is easy, it is fun, and it is a blessing to you and others. Do it.
It’s the simplest thing on the list and maybe one of the fastest spreading.
Ugh. Not done. I certainly had a lot more sex because
of this list, but not 40 days in a row. We’ve been together about 10 years now.
We have kids and jobs and pets and stuff that gets in the way and forty days is
a loooong time! I have to tell you folks, I love my husband and he loves me.
But… there may not have been 40 days in a row that I liked him and he liked me.
Marriage is work, it is compromise, it is joy, it is sorrow, it is bargaining,
it is rewarding, it is sometimes keeping your distance to keep your sanity.
Some days, sex is difficult from a distance.
5. Take control of my spending and journal each penny
spent, for at least 40 days.
Yeah, I did it. I spend way too much on coffee. I
spend too much on shoes and clothes, even at the Goodwill store. I work hard
for my money, and I spend it hard too. I did increase my retirement investments
(uh, so I have more to spend when I stop working) and I did increase my general
savings. I did create a concrete plan to be debt free (aside from the mortgage)
that is a little over half complete. I did not however greatly adjust my fun
money habits. I added an extra job to allow for more spending. J
I shared a NYC whirlwind trip including the Statue of
Liberty and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade experience with not only my son,
but included my husband, daughter and a dear friend. Amazing experiences,
fantastic fun, and good times.
7. Photograph and frame a series that has meaning from
this experience.
I just realized this and actually missed this one! I
took a lot of pictures and have a few framed, but no collage sort of thing has
been done. I must add this to my to do list and frame it up!
8. New INK!
I got not one, but two new pieces of ink this year. I
added a pretty big thigh piece that is funky, colorful, and unique that reminds
me to “create joy.” I also added a mother-son symbol to honor that
relationship. That makes four tattoos for me. I had an amazing nursing skills
lab group that honored me with a gift card and mentioned it could be used for
another tattoo to forever remember them. I have one in the planning stages… and
a gift card in my wallet.
9. Go horseback riding.
I missed this one! I will have to look into this and
work on completing it.
10. Do something in the sky; para-sail, skydive, hot air
I didn't complete this task either. I had two plans
begin and was not able to carry them out. I must go back to the planning board
on this one too.
11. Inspire one other person to embrace their life moment
with positivity.
This has been one of the most impactful lessons of
this list. I have had so many people start their own list, plan their own
adventure, or join in one of my adventures! It is amazing to see a positive
impact you have on another person. Whether your impact carries on throughout a
lifetime or it is just for a moment, recognize the blessing you are to others
when you simply share positivity.
12. Meditate more, rage less.
I am not the person who can simply be mindful in my
own meditation. I am easily distracted, difficult to calm, and willing to let
my mind wander. It takes a focal point for me to truly relax and be one with my
soul. I have embraced art in my life as a meditative focus. I have learned the
power of doodling for relaxation, with intention, and simply to free my mind. I
have a stack of canvases and acrylics to dabble with. I have a box of pens,
pencils, and sharpies to doodle. Art is powerful. Art is good for my soul.
13. Music, music, music. Feed my soul with music everyday.
Music calms the savage beast… and makes many a moment
better for me. I have a desktop speaker at work, a speaker in the kitchen and
another in my bedroom, and auxillary cord in my car. My phone and ipod are
packed with music apps and song files of my favorites. I plug in and can change
my mood in a minute. I rediscovered a few of my favorites and came across a few
new ones. Sing and dance, guaranteed mood improver.
14. Find out what my gifts are, and use at least a few of
Indeed I did. I also realized a few of what I am not
gifted with. Maybe I’ll blog about it someday.
15. Listen to and take my own advice and allow the eternal
optimist image to flow inside and out.
This is a constant battle, but I have surely learned a
few lessons and created a few good habits.
16. Try 40 new recipes.
I did it! Some were successes, others were epic fails.
My opinion was not always that of the other members of my household. I
remembered that despite how much I love tofu, I hate cooking it. I finally made
a batch of biscuits that were golden brown and not black on the bottom. I
really love my crockpot.
17. Pose for pin up style pictures with our classics, at
least 40 poses.
Man! This was a great idea, but another I never got
18. Memorize 40 verses of scripture.
I am not sure I memorized 40 verses, but I sure did
read my Bible a lot more than usual. I prepared a few lessons for the youth at
church, I placed a devotional on my desk and read it at least a few times per
week, I started a group class at church. I certainly put some of the Good Stuff
in my mind this year… here’s hoping it helped my mind run a little better.
19. Volunteer somewhere new for at least 40 hours.
I am not sure if I made forty hours, but I did
volunteer for a few different things. I could always use a little more
20. Dance in a mud puddle, with company.
This idea was one of the best. I completed Mud Warrior
with a team of amazing people. We made memories that will never be forgotten.
21. Experience a sunset in a place where I have never
I love the sunset. I certainly paid a lot more
attention to the sun falling upon the horizon. I was able to experience it from
an airplane over a few different states, falling into the Atlantic Ocean in at
a few different latitudes, in the Bahamas ,
over the Arizona
desert, into the mountains from my own woodsy view, and from a variety of
places in the arms of the man I love. There is no more favorite time for me
then when the sun falls in the sky and the ones I love surround me… and we take
a moment to just enjoy the movement of the sun.
I saw a few lighthouses, but none with a set of stairs
we were allowed to climb. Another task to complete.
23. Send 40 handwritten notes by mail.
In this electronic age, handwritten notes are a
treasure. It takes a special thought and intention to write one and send it. It
is a special feeling to receive one. It’s easy, send one today.
24. Purchase $40 worth of scratch off lottery tickets.
I did and I think I would consider it a loss. I
blogged about it, but just continued to turn in my winners until I won big or
won no more… guess which came first?
25. Have professional family photos taken.
This was fun! My husband and our two kids, and two of
my nephews posed and posed. Must do again.
26. Reduce my own carbon footprint.
We made an effort. We made a difference.
27. A polar plunge.
28. Make contact with, make time for, and make memories
with friends; old and new.
Friendships are priceless. I have gained a few, lost
one or two, and created a slew of new ones. Make time for friends, they are good for the
29. Make a gallon of wine from honey or fruit.
Oh no! Another one I missed. I can say I did get my
hands and lips on a few good pints that someone else made though!!!
30. Experience a girls weekend!
Done! Need to do more often!
31. Participate in a local festival I have not experienced.
I actually experienced several fantastic local
festivals. Seeking and paying attention to events has certainly been a bonus of
this list.
32. Do nothing.
I have enjoyed a lot more of down time, do nothing
time, idle time. I love the activity and adventures, but the idle time is
equally as enjoyable- and important.
33. Unfriend 40 people who really aren’t my friends on
YES! I probably should do it again every so often.
34. Be the wife that makes my husband smile.
I have done this more some times and less others.
Surprisingly, much of the list has taken me away from my husband as I have
experienced people, places, and things that may not interest him or work into
his schedule. It has made me realize that scheduling time with him, with and
without our kids is as important as me time.
35. Ride a mechanical bull. Done! Epic fail, but so much fun!
rest was left blank, but here are some honorable activities that were thought
of after the list…
36. Master Bedroom Redo
37. The Color Run
38. The Ridiculous Obstacle Course Race
39. FunNiteArt
40. Gus the Great Dane
for reading through to the end of the list.
this will be the beginning of another list and… another season of blog posts.