Thursday, November 1, 2012

A List Creates a Lifestyle

I checked in on my list the other day. I realized I have been toying with this list nearly long enough to birth a baby; conception to delivery. I started tossing it around in December and getting serious in January. Like many facets in my life, I go all out, enjoy the short strong bursts, and find a few amazing experiences. Mirroring some aspects of my life I either lack energy or commitment or excitement to carry through with a long range plan. Some may call it attention deficit disorder, I however think of it as lacking in entertainment value.

A few short strong bursts of amazing were included in The Polar Plunge, riding a mechanical bull, Mud Warrior, meeting my biological brother at 39, Cinco de Mayo salsa, clipping coupons worth over $60, and more than a few fantastic moments with friends. I have said yes many more times than I would previous to this list (including sex with my husband, but not enough yes to hit 40 in a row yet). I have enjoyed many moments and thought they were certainly list worthy, but may not have taken the time to blog them. I have made many memories and changed a few perspectives… all because I wrote a list. I have realized, a bucket list isn’t really a list at all. A bucket list is really a state of mind, a way of life.

I have embraced this list, this new way of life, whole heartedly. I have jumped in and on and around some fantastic fun and seized a few opportunities I would have allowed to pass on by. I have lived, learned, and danced more than I have in a long while. It’s time for me to look within, to encounter those challenges that have seemed to large to bear. It’s time to take a long look at those things that lack short bursts of fun and need a long range plan and commitment. The list has become a lifestyle, it’s time to take it to the next level. Stay tuned…

A rainbow above our backyard.

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