Monday, July 30, 2012

Free Time Soothes the Soul

It’s amazing what a few hours of free time can do for your soul. I travelled to a nearby city to learn, expand my skills, and hone my technique through two full days of training and networking. I started my journey with a moderate drive that turned quite long. I spent an extra hour or more with traffic and time spent on the highway in park. Yes, this was sort of frustrating. Traffic sucks. The lack of traffic is one of the things that enticed me to move from New York to Virginia, little did I know what a difference a decade would make for Southern traffic.

Yes, I could fuss and moan or yell and honk… but a half a dozen phonecalls to the same person persisting through bad service, a little updating my facebook status, a fun comment, a few tunes and I was good to go! I opened the windows, opened the moonroof and belted out some of my favorites with Adele, Amos Lee, and Amy Winehouse. The sun had set, the traffic was gone and I was near the hotel before I got to the B’s!

A full day of training with a lot of lecture and a little movement leads to a long day. It was fun, I acquired a few new pearls of wisdom, but I needed a nap. A wise woman told me to be sure I enjoyed the city I was in and I knew I could not retreat with room service for the evening. I tipped the valet and jumped in a quick shower and off I went. I walked, looking up at the tall buildings that I miss seeing in NYC. I rested, gazing over at the tugboats I miss seeing during hours boating on the Hudson. I smiled and chatted with locals perched throughout the harbor. A sweet, tatted up young guy with gauges and studs seemed shocked when I said, “Excuse me,” as we waited for the crosswalk, “where would you walk to have dinner from here?” He replied, “Hell’s Kitchen.” He pointed and I thanked him.

I found a little pub table between the bar and the window, climbed up and ordered a rum and coke. The music rocked, the walls covered with guitars and art and tshirts and catchy phrases like “employees must carve SLAYER into forearms before returning to work.” I ordered a house salad and a tuna wrap, it was freakin awesome and I finished off another rum and coke. I began to notice the amazing tats everyone in the place seemed to have. I bounced in my seat to songs of my youth. Really, where did my path turn? How in the world did I not wind up with two full sleeves and a plethora of piercings? I’m not sure if it was the philosophy of Captain Morgan in the now, or the philosophical lessons of Florence Nightingale in my 20’s, but together they create me and my appreciation for all things.

Look at the red letters... Sheraton. I am just below the S h e.

Another short walk, a few more conversations with strangers, a ferry ride through the harbor and I found myself entering the back door of my hotel. I message from the man I love, a well timed call from a dear friend and a quick text from my son leave me with a smile and a full heart. I am really not sure of all the twists and turns and circles and such that moved me along this path of life… but I sure am glad it lead me to where I am now. The rum and coke has worn off and the coffee beside me has less of an effect. I gaze out at the lights reflecting in the ripples of the harbor and thank God for placing me right here. Right here, gazing out the sliding glass door below the neon cast of the She in Sheraton. Two nights away from home and one evening in between to do as I choose… I’m glad I chose this.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The List: A Check In

It's almost six months in to this flying fabulously into forty challenge. It's time to check in on this list. Here's hoping these links work...

2.      Lose 40 pounds.

3.      Complete 40 Random Acts of Kindness.

4.      Have sex 40 days in a row.

5.      Take control of my spending and journal each penny spent, for at least 40 days.

6.      Share an event in NYC with my son; a play, a parade, a panhandler.

7.      Photograph and frame a series that has meaning from this experience.

8.      New INK!

9.      Go horseback riding.

10.  Do something in the sky; parasail, skydive, hot air balloon.

11.  Inspire one other person to embrace their life moment with positivity.

12.  Meditate more, rage less.

13.  Music, music, music. Feed my soul with music everyday.

14.  Find out what my gifts are, and use at least a few of them.

15.  Listen to and take my own advice and allow the eternal optimist image to flow inside and out.

16.  Try 40 new recipes.

17.  Pose for pin up style pictures with our classics, at least 40 poses.

18.  Memorize 40 verses of scripture.

19.  Volunteer somewhere new for at least 40 hours.

21.  Experience a sunset in a place where I have never been.

22.  Climb a lighthouse.

23.  Send 40 handwritten notes by mail.

25.  Have professional family photos taken.

26.  Reduce my own carbon footprint.

29.  Make a gallon of wine from honey or fruit.

30.  Experience a girls weekend!

32.  Do nothing.

33.  Unfriend 40 people who really aren’t my friends on facebook.

34.  Be the wife that makes my husband smile.

36.  Get to know my brother and new found family.

38.   Begin my graduate school journey.



Cinco de Mayo Salsa

I lived a few great stories this week and have returned to this love of a blog. While searching for pics and reviewing, I realized I missed a few great stories. Here’s to better late than never…
I live near a great little city that offers an amazing array of excitement and entertainment. This Cinco de Mayo I decided to take a suggestion from an amazing barista and try one of our local festivalish adventures and of course, rope a few friends into it too. It hasn’t been since high school that I celebrated this fantastic Mexican holiday. My Spanish has declined from fluent to failing and I was bummed that I didn’t get a true Mexican feast… but I planned to celebrate with dance.

The Shoes
I donned my bright red dress and a fun pair of leopard heels, an outfit sure to make a fantastic night. I saw a reflection of Cha-Cha that I could not deny; I decided to take the big black and red lace flower out of my hair and left it on the bathroom sink. Easy hair, waterproof mascara, ready for a long night, off I went, to brush up on my skills at the early group salsa lesson. I met a friend and we giggled our way in.

The Lesson
 Everybody gather around, just a few simple steps. 1-2-3 and 5-6-7 and… I was feeling that beat I once adored. Make two lines, “who wants to lead?” Before I knew it we were rotating partners and I was on at least my fifth partner. The smooth talking short guy; man I wish my dress wasn’t cut so low. The cocky college kid; “THAT was not the signal.” The tall dark and handsome; he scuffed my shoes and should surely not lead. The sweet oriental guy who never spoke, but smiled nonstop. Then the one, an older gentleman. This partner was smooth and sexy and not at all sexual. He was like dancing con mi tio favorito! I learned so much in just three simple minutes.

The Band
The night went on. I danced with more people than I could count. I found expected friends, made new friends and avoided a few. I danced until my hair looked like I just stepped out of the shower. I learned a few new steps, stumbled over a few partners and danced until I couldn’t dance anymore. It was a new adventure, an old adventure revisited. I had a few hours of pure joy. The crowd was amazing, the band was great, and the simple act of dancing and dancing and dancing brightened my spirit for days. Only one question remains, why have I not salsa’d since?

Clipping Coupons

Nine days without power helped create the cleanest fridge I’ve had since move in day over five years ago. That is the best optimistic spin I could put on losing everything from apples, mayonnaise and mustard, to zucchini. I didn’t even trust the ice. One sweaty morning was spent tossing the entire fridge content, removing the shelves and drawers and ice bin and scrubbing it all in sinks of stored water. In a glorious air conditioned house cleaning Sunday afternoon event, the fridge got a sparkly once over with me and Mr. Clean. It was almost sinful to add food to such a pretty sight. We must eat; I must shop, so off to Food Lion I went.

Before I left, I spent a few minutes tossing expired coupons and gathering those that might be relevant from a stack of wrinkled Sunday inserts. I walked the isles, exchanging smiles and stories of the Great Outage of 2012 as I stopped to flip through my stack of savings. I shopped smart, added items on sale, grabbed great values combined with clipped savings. There was neither an isle unseen nor a space to be found in the cart by the time I hit the frozen foods. I packed on those frozen veggies, carefully balanced Ben & Jerry and traveled to the checkout.

The cashier couldn’t clear the belt fast enough for me to pile on the purchases. I refilled the cart with the bagged groceries while pulling the remaining produce from the childless seat. Whew, that’s it. Scan my MVP card, swipe the debit and wait. The total came to $300.89. The discount card savings started rolling… “You saved $44.61 using your MVP card!” The coupon scanning, beep, boop, beep. Final total $239.23. Savings of $61.66- SCORE!

Get out there, clip some coupons people!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Power of Friendship

Last week I took a pretty spontaneous trip to see a person I do not see nearly enough. There are a few people whose friendship will truly endure a lifetime; Angie is one of those friends for me. Angie and I met as adults; we are both nurses and worked on the same unit together. It has been about ten years and I consider her one of my dearest friends. We’ve been through a million laughs, a thousand tears, a hundred pints of ice cream, and a decade of relationships together. She takes me at face value, accepts me for who I am and understands that tomorrow I, and my life, may not be the same, but our friendship will be. There is something to be said about a person who understands with just a notion and not the whole story.
Occoneechee State Park, VA
The power was out for days, the temperature and tempers were on the rise, and Angie posted a simple “come see me” message. I packed up my teenage son and my geriatric dog and off we went. A few circles of wasting time, a garden trail here, a garden trail there and we arrived safely at her door. Three days of renewal ensued. A dinner out, a late morning in, and a walk through a mall out of a teenage dream brought me through the stress of home into the calm of comfort in less than 24 hours. It wasn’t anything special, but it was powerful.  Time with someone who simply, genuinely cares for you can do magnificent things for the soul. There were no amazing conversations, no powerful moments, just my simple need to be taken care of, comforted and understood. By just opening her door, Angie did all of that for me.

Then it happened, she was having company for dinner. Just a few friends over for a barbeque. Great. She knows I do not like many people, especially a group of strange girls. Well, I thought, “if they are Angie’s friends, they must be ok”. I could always go to bed early. I had no idea what an evening of fantastic friends and fun was about to unfold.

This group of women greeted my trio with sincerity and simplicity. We laughed, we shared and we simply enjoyed each other. They gave love to my mutt. They tolerated and even encouraged my son. They made me feel like an insider. A game of “Taboo” brought out all the personalities and I enjoyed every last one. I went to bed with a smile and a few new perspectives. I closed out my retreat with a little bit of just hanging out inside and poolside. I returned home refreshed and able to conquer the stress mounting at home.

Take time for you. Enjoy time with friends. Friendships are renewing. Genuine care and concern is refueling. Acceptance of yourself and that of and from others is truly priceless. So, I close this blog with a basket overflowing with thank you’s. Angie, Bria, OSCAR( the best talking cat ever), Jennifer, Corrie, Caroline, Amara, Sharika-Shakira, and even Caleb and Dutch; I thank you. I needed a little reflection, renewal and revitalization. You guys are fantastic. My only regret… I wish I took a few more pictures, so I could make this blog a little more entertaining. (Some people only read blogs for the pictures.)