Monday, July 30, 2012

Free Time Soothes the Soul

It’s amazing what a few hours of free time can do for your soul. I travelled to a nearby city to learn, expand my skills, and hone my technique through two full days of training and networking. I started my journey with a moderate drive that turned quite long. I spent an extra hour or more with traffic and time spent on the highway in park. Yes, this was sort of frustrating. Traffic sucks. The lack of traffic is one of the things that enticed me to move from New York to Virginia, little did I know what a difference a decade would make for Southern traffic.

Yes, I could fuss and moan or yell and honk… but a half a dozen phonecalls to the same person persisting through bad service, a little updating my facebook status, a fun comment, a few tunes and I was good to go! I opened the windows, opened the moonroof and belted out some of my favorites with Adele, Amos Lee, and Amy Winehouse. The sun had set, the traffic was gone and I was near the hotel before I got to the B’s!

A full day of training with a lot of lecture and a little movement leads to a long day. It was fun, I acquired a few new pearls of wisdom, but I needed a nap. A wise woman told me to be sure I enjoyed the city I was in and I knew I could not retreat with room service for the evening. I tipped the valet and jumped in a quick shower and off I went. I walked, looking up at the tall buildings that I miss seeing in NYC. I rested, gazing over at the tugboats I miss seeing during hours boating on the Hudson. I smiled and chatted with locals perched throughout the harbor. A sweet, tatted up young guy with gauges and studs seemed shocked when I said, “Excuse me,” as we waited for the crosswalk, “where would you walk to have dinner from here?” He replied, “Hell’s Kitchen.” He pointed and I thanked him.

I found a little pub table between the bar and the window, climbed up and ordered a rum and coke. The music rocked, the walls covered with guitars and art and tshirts and catchy phrases like “employees must carve SLAYER into forearms before returning to work.” I ordered a house salad and a tuna wrap, it was freakin awesome and I finished off another rum and coke. I began to notice the amazing tats everyone in the place seemed to have. I bounced in my seat to songs of my youth. Really, where did my path turn? How in the world did I not wind up with two full sleeves and a plethora of piercings? I’m not sure if it was the philosophy of Captain Morgan in the now, or the philosophical lessons of Florence Nightingale in my 20’s, but together they create me and my appreciation for all things.

Look at the red letters... Sheraton. I am just below the S h e.

Another short walk, a few more conversations with strangers, a ferry ride through the harbor and I found myself entering the back door of my hotel. I message from the man I love, a well timed call from a dear friend and a quick text from my son leave me with a smile and a full heart. I am really not sure of all the twists and turns and circles and such that moved me along this path of life… but I sure am glad it lead me to where I am now. The rum and coke has worn off and the coffee beside me has less of an effect. I gaze out at the lights reflecting in the ripples of the harbor and thank God for placing me right here. Right here, gazing out the sliding glass door below the neon cast of the She in Sheraton. Two nights away from home and one evening in between to do as I choose… I’m glad I chose this.

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