Nine days without power helped create the cleanest fridge
I’ve had since move in day over five years ago. That is the best optimistic
spin I could put on losing everything from apples, mayonnaise and mustard, to
zucchini. I didn’t even trust the ice. One sweaty morning was spent tossing the
entire fridge content, removing the shelves and drawers and ice bin and
scrubbing it all in sinks of stored water. In a glorious air conditioned house
cleaning Sunday afternoon event, the fridge got a sparkly once over with me and
Mr. Clean. It was almost sinful to add food to such a pretty sight. We must eat;
I must shop, so off to Food Lion I went.
Before I left, I spent a few minutes tossing expired coupons
and gathering those that might be relevant from a stack of wrinkled Sunday
inserts. I walked the isles, exchanging smiles and stories of the Great Outage of 2012 as I stopped to
flip through my stack of savings. I shopped smart, added items on sale, grabbed
great values combined with clipped savings. There was neither an isle unseen
nor a space to be found in the cart by the time I hit the frozen foods. I
packed on those frozen veggies, carefully balanced Ben & Jerry and traveled
to the checkout.

The cashier couldn’t clear the belt fast enough for me to
pile on the purchases. I refilled the cart with the bagged groceries while
pulling the remaining produce from the childless seat. Whew, that’s it. Scan my
MVP card, swipe the debit and wait. The total came to $300.89. The discount
card savings started rolling… “You saved $44.61 using your MVP card!” The
coupon scanning, beep, boop, beep. Final total $239.23. Savings of $61.66-
Get out there, clip some coupons people!
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