Monday, November 26, 2012

Above all, be the heroine.

Life presents you with challenges every day. Some challenges are simple. Some challenges feel as though they may kill you. Luckily, most of life’s challenges fall somewhere in between and while we may struggle, we get to the other side relatively unscathed. No matter what the challenge, each of us will meet it with a different perspective. For many, we may meet the same challenge six days before or two years later with a completely different perspective and method of attack (or retreat).  I believe not one person truly has the ability to see a challenge from another’s perspective. While it may be our responsibility to listen, guide or encourage each other through… judgment does not have a place. Judgment is one of life’s greatest challenges.

I have been known as the outgoing, chatty, eccentric, loud type through most of my circles. Despite my readiness to jump in front of the crowd and break into song and dance or stand in front of a room of people and facilitate an all day event, I too struggle with the wonderment or judgment. I may not be very concerned with if they like my hair or outfit, or if my hips look big while I am in front of the crowd- believe that I changed my outfit seven times before I left the house. Chances are the outfit is over the top as a distracter. If I sing off key or am unaware of the answer to a question, I am ok with that- I pride myself in not being perfect and expect some margin of error; and I encourage others to as well. It gives you an amazing degree of confidence to admit you make mistakes and it is really ok.

While we generally place judgment on the things we see and do, the wonderment of judgment affects us more on the inside. I will however feel an emotional hurt or perhaps, notice a psychological void, and bury it with retail therapy, gift giving or an overindulgent meal. We all have our challenges. I have often taken this approach rether than finding a safe spot. I have not always had a person you can go to that says, “I love you no matter what” or a set of arms that when you are snuggled in them you know you are safe and protected from anything. When the world judges, when the stones are cast be it by eyes, words, or deeds, we all need a place that is safe. These amazing people and places may come and go in life. As we are human, our ability to support each other changes as well. Treasure those people and places that feel right and allow those who do not feel safe anymore to go. Find and nurture a spiritual relationship, for that is the only true safe spot that is divine.

When it all comes down to it, God has already written your story. You however, have the power to change it. Only you have the power to become the heroine or the victim. Choose your perspective well, my friends. Know that you can make your story a success; at any moment, at every moment, you have every bit of power that you need to make your story a success. Life is filled with challenges. Be the heroine of your story today.

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