Monday, February 27, 2012

Pinterest Can Be Productive!

Today was my day off and in order to move more and eat less, I needed something to occupy my time and hands. I have envied the pallet projects on Pinterest and gotten my husband into collecting free pallets for us. We have quite a growing stack and he agreed I could use the long ones for a new chicken/duck/goose-coop! The work began at nearly nine this morning with coffee and water by my side. It took some time to restack the pallets, because all of the long ones were at the bottom of the piles. I found several and carried them a few to hundred yards or so to the new area. When my arms became so sore I couldn’t lift my coffee cup, I hooked the last stack to the Kodiak and dragged them down the hill.

I organized them by size and the brainstorming began… a few hours later I have the frame almost complete! The roof on the right was added after the picture, when my second wind hit. The goose and ducks will live on the left, the chickens on the right. The roosting poles are already nailed in place. This is just a resting place for the evenings to protect them from predators; they free range and swim in the pond during the day.

Ah, accomplishment. Another day off and I can nail on some siding and roofing. It is soon to be complete!

The Jeans from the Bottom of the Pile

I have been comfortable with my weight most of my life, but I have never been the skinny chick. I think big girls can look great, be sexy and all that goes with it. It has become the point in my life where I am “thicker” than I’d like to be, struggle to enjoy the way I look and can not enjoy movement as much as I would like to. I reached this point about two years ago and lost a good deal of weight, dropped several sizes and began to enjoy a new me. Unfortunately, it has all crept back and brought a few extra pounds with it. I believe I weigh more now than when I delivered my near teenage son. The previous loss gave me a feeling of accomplishment and fun with clothes and movement that I haven’t felt in years and it has left me longing for it again.

The List includes a weight loss of forty pounds. Forty pounds is actually just a beginning to what I would like to accomplish. Sixty- five pounds would put me in a place I have not been in since my twenties. Eighty pounds would be an almost unimaginable weight goal for me. It is on. Two or three weeks ago I really began working at it with two simple facts, move more and eat less. One week ago I took a great step and joined and attended Weight Watchers (WW.) It all paid off, I pulled out a pair of jeans from the bottom of the pile Friday… they fit for the first time since the summer of last year. I rocked ‘em with sexy shoes for date night with the hubby! It probably means about a 7-10 pound loss to fit in those jeans. I followed date night up with my Saturday morning WW meeting and confirmed a loss of 2.2 pounds for the week. I may have been unhappy with that, but added to the jeans… fantastic!

A few blogs will be devoted to weight loss from here on in, hopefully stories of success… but I leave room for some challenges and maybe even failures too. With a little inspiration from Pinterest, I made a very practical and pretty reminder for my kitchen counter. Pictured are two glass jars, one represents “pounds to lose” and the other represents “pounds lost.” Each stone represents 0.1 pound, ten stones represents a pound. Saturday afternoon my husband helped me happily count out 22 stones for the empty “pounds lost” jar. Visual things are so important to me, the not so comfy clothes becoming comfortable are the best. With any luck, they will become too big and get handed over to another. Perhaps I will have a pair of way-too-big-now-big-girl-jeans to sew a great new Pinterest inspired purse!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The List

Here's how I will I will fly into forty fabulously...
1.      Complete 40 blog posts. Feed Your Soul Fantastic

2.      Lose 40 pounds. Attainable with a loss of less than 1 pound per week for the year.

3.      Complete 40 Random Acts of Kindness.

4.      Have sex 40 days in a row. I’m thinking this could change my marriage, LOL.

5.      Take control of my spending and journal each penny spent, for at least 40 days.

6.      Share an event in NYC with my son; a play, a parade, a panhandler. We’ll see how this one unfolds.

7.      Photograph and frame a series that has meaning from this experience.

8.      New INK!

9.      Go horseback riding.

10.  Do something in the sky; parasail, skydive, hot air balloon.

11.  Inspire one other person to embrace their life moment with positivity.

12.  Meditate more, rage less.

13.  Music, music, music. Feed my soul with music everyday.

14.  Find out what my gifts are, and use at least a few of them.

15.  Listen to and take my own advice and allow the eternal optimist image to flow inside and out. What Was I Thinking?

16.  Try 40 new recipes.

17.  Pose for pin up style pictures with our classics, at least 40 poses.

18.  Memorize 40 verses of scripture.

19.  Volunteer somewhere new for at least 40 hours.

21.  Experience a sunset in a place where I have never been.

22.  Climb a lighthouse. Maybe one with at least 40 steps?

23.  Send 40 handwritten notes by mail.

24.  Purchase $40 worth of scratch off lottery tickets.

25.  Have professional family photos taken.

26.  Reduce my own carbon footprint. Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

28.  Make contact with, make time for, and make memories with friends; old and new.

29.  Make a gallon of wine from honey or fruit.

30.  Experience a girls weekend!

31.  Participate in a local festival I have not experienced.

32.  Do nothing. Suggested by one of the wisest women I know.

33.  Unfriend 40 people who really aren’t my friends on facebook.

34.  Be the wife that makes my husband smile.

36.   Get to know my brother and newly found family.




The List in a Wordle

A wordle is a tool that takes a group of your text and creates a word cloud. They are fantastic, fun and powerful. If you haven't tried it, take a few minutes and do it now! Go to Wordle and give it a whirl. Here is a wordle of "The List." Have fun!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lessons from the Bull

Ride a mechanical bull. What does it mean to you? Can you smell cigarettes and beer or hay and horses? Does the phrase bring to mind the sexiness of an Urban Cowboy scene? Can you here the twang of old Hank Williams or the more modern save a horse, ride a cowboy or maybe even pop, lock and drop it? I simple text from an old friend, a passing opportunity I may have let fly by before this “List.” To make time for an old friend and a few new ones, off we go. For me, it now brings to mind all of those things, amazing friends, fun, freaking hysterics and a few new lessons.

The love of a true friend is priceless. The ability to raise an eyebrow and share a glance and get it all in a minute, it is something one cannot replace. Two friends that chose similar yet different lifestyles, followed separate yet parallel courses but together throughout, and now doing it all over again, is simply amazing. One of the best moments of my night was for us to watch the two bald sweaty men we love, as different as they are similar, embracing in laughter, exchanging hive fives and shouting obnoxious remarks toward each other. Commonalities, similarities and coincidences remind me how much I need to make time for those friends I love.

The look of another woman at your man is something to smile about. I used to be the kinda girl to step to another woman in a second, start some drama and cause a scene. Some how, life has given me a new perspective and I would be more likely to prevent than provoke. I could not help to notice the head to toe stares of the blonde near the corner of the pool table, watching my husband. I know he came with and will leave with me, the one he loves, so why not have some fun with it? I am reminded by his gentle hand on my back, his embraces between shots and his laughter at my jokes (about her,) that I may be the luckiest girl in the place. Enjoy that pretty smile girls, be envious of his love, he’s sexy and he knows it, and he’s mine.

If at first you don’t succeed, get some help and carry on. The first few jumped up on that bull with no problem, “Two jumps and a hop” said the DJ. Then came the big girl, she was not as big as me… but not a size 3. She jump, jump, hopped and slid right back down that bull. Tried again, and retreated. NO GIRL, now I was scared! A few riders later was another failed attempt by a skinny chick, this time the bull operator jumped the matt and offered her a knee, and up she went. Yup, somebody’s doing that for me. Joe knelt, kneed up and I hopped on up. I did it, 12 seconds. It took four times to add up to 12, but it was a blast. I encouraged and offered up my husband’s knee to a few friends and a few more strangers, just for the courage of a big girl. I even offered his knee to the one who retreated, but she said she conquered it the week prior and didn’t want to get back on.

There you have it, a night with a few friends, a bull and a bunch of lessons. I was able to cross an item off the list, add a new item to cross off and be reminded of a few life lessons. Save a horse, ride a homeboy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Making of a Mud Warrior

One of the items on my list was to dance in a mud puddle with company. I was thinking pouring down rain, splashing around, laughing with my son. The cutest redhead I know had another idea in mind. This adorable, fun and sweet dear convinced me with her cuteness that being a Mud Warrior would be the perfect way to cross this once simple item off my list. Well, I am in. Come to find out there may be a list of nearly twenty people that are going in with me and countless numbers of others I am finding out are already in too!

This means training, tough training for me. The list below is a list of suggested training exercises as a “general recommendation for a strong finish.” I am working on training, I am working on finishing and with any luck, I will be finishing strong.

·         50 Pushups (guys) 30 (ladies)

·         100 Sit ups (guys) 75 (ladies)

·         50 Lunges (guys) 35 (ladies)

·         50 Squats (no weight, guys) 40 (ladies)

·         10 Pull-ups (guys) 5 (ladies)

·         Run 3 miles without stopping at a maximum of 40 minutes (guys) 50 min (ladies)

·         5 – 100 meter Wind Sprints (guys) 3 (ladies)

·         5 Planks for : 30 seconds (guys) 3 (ladies)

Until April 14th, pray for me... and think about becoming a mud warrior.

Valentine's Day Intentions

Cliché gifts have not been a part of my recent years. I have received a new tow hitch for my birthday, chickens for Mother’s Day, and a motorcycle instead of an engagement ring. This Valentine’s Day season, I encountered an amazing opportunity for yet another uncommon gift; the power of intention. It was timely, local, and incredibly inexpensive. I seized the opportunity and Saturday morning we dashed off to our community college for two hours of the most powerful class on intention that we could experience together; couple’s massage class.

I believe wholeheartedly in the power of intention. I believe that with the right intention, all the forces of the universe can align and amazing, impossible things are possible. It was that amazing alignment I was seeking with this class. Alignments occurred before we even arrived as my husband actually agreed to go. So, in we walk, hand in hand, and were joined by five other couples on this amazing adventure. We journeyed together as the men began as the “givers” and the women the “receivers.” Our guide was Emma, an amazing CMT, who had humor, heart and an old soul. We laughed and learned together. I was pleasantly surprised with the natural talent my partner displayed. I became overwhelmed with the thought of how his heart was shared through his hands and got a little weepy during class.

We switched roles just in time for my nemesis, a foot massage. I despise feet, my own and those of others. The thought of someone else touching my stinky feet nauseates me and sends chills down my spine… and touching another’s feet, imagine your worst Fear Factor moment ten fold. It was all about intention right? I tried to conjure up the best intention ever, but apparently still contorted my face and my partner was aware. I got through it and was able to move on with success and true positive intentions. It ended all too soon; I really enjoyed our two hours.

As I reflect, I realize what a powerful experience we shared. I am blessed. My husband is amazing. I expected this class to teach him how to provide a decent massage. What I received was amazing, heartfelt intention from someone who loves me more than I give him credit for. What I learned is that my intentions are transparent too. He is not perfect, but I am not either. I am adding a new item to the list; I am setting a new intention. I intend to be the wife that makes my husband smile.

Happy Valentine’s Day. May you be moved to set an intention to care for yourself, and an intention to care for another.

P.S. If you need a fantastic, amazing, well intended massage… go see Emma (and tell her Jen and Joe from couple’s class sent you.)

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Polar Plunge

We rose, downed some Tylenol, grabbed some coffee, registered, and received our numbers. It was a beautiful sunny morning and in a few short hours, we would be plunging into the cold Atlantic Ocean. We donned our tutus and ears, painted our hair orange and our noses blue, and headed out the door. Somehow, the air seemed much colder as we held our Tony the Tiger sign high and walked down the street.
On the way to the parade
Horns honks, wolf whistles and manly calls of “meeooooww” echoed through the street. We are tigers damn it, “GRRRRRRRRR!”

We passed pirates, mermaids, superheroes, the entire Pac Man cast, candies, cavemen, wild hair, winged things, and a whole lotta things stuffed in spandex. We joined a parade, danced across a stage, and posed for dozens of pictures; all while the air seemed to get colder and colder.

The Pac Man Bunch
There were moments that warmed our hearts; watching a special needs PacMan gobble up dots and be grabbed by a ghost over and over and over again, with the same passion and fun and spirit each time. We posed for pictures time and time again, but I do not think any of us will forget the special young man who we surrounded and embraced for a photo. The sound of pure joy escaped from him as he clapped in excitement after our pose.

Watching the youthful spirit of the Bathing Beauty Costume Contest Winner and the sheer awe of the Redskins Bikini Lady made our spirits soar. The beach was filled with people really doing for others and being eternally fulfilled in return.
The Bathing Beauty

The chants of PO-LAR-PLUNGE-PO-LAR-PLUNGE let us know it was time and we ran down the boardwalk to the beach. As my feet hit the cool sand, my heart began racing. The four of us grabbed hands and began racing toward the shoreline. You could not help but hoop and holler in anticipation, the crowd calling out with the pure joy we heard earlier. We made it to the water and it did not seem quite so frigid, we continued running until it became increasingly difficult. I fell to my knees, dunked my head face first and spun up and brushed my dripping wet hair out of my face. Whistles and waves from the dive team sent us back towards the shore. The climb up the sand towards the backpack full of towels began.

We wrapped up in towels and made our way through the cattle like crowd and onto the boardwalk. Somehow, we hung around with the crowd then walked three blocks, dripping wet back to our hotel. I’m not sure if it was the thought of the warm shower getting closer with each step or the sheer fact we were in physiologic shock that kept us in the “it’s not that bad” perspective. We rode home warm, munching on Wawa snacks, and renewed. It was truly an amazing 24 hour period for me.

I read a banner that struck a chord in my heart...

 Really, I might do this again… "they" deserve this and so much more.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Pirate's Booty

A long drive is not so long with the laughter of friends. We arrived at Virginia Beach expecting adventure. We added some cute shoes, sprayed a little perfume and giggled across the street toward the sound of a live band. The band sounded way better then they looked and jammed out some great tunes. We laughed over the juvenile bartender who retreated to the back room seemingly checking The Bartender’s Guide for cranberry & vodka and margarita recipes. He returned with our drinks; including my white russian, which he apparently thought would no longer be white if he added kahlua. With an adorable smile, he remedied the drinks and was sure the next round packed a punch. The laughter continued as we discussed life, love and the differences between corn hole and cornholio. Four grown women giggling over simple statements and wondering if fifty would bring us the interesting perspectives we saw on the other side of the bar.
A few passerbys caught our eye stumbling in the alley. We finished our drinks and exited stage left. The sound of the rushing ocean was more distracting than the crowd and we ran across the boardwalk. The thought of sand in my peep toe boots stopped me short but we felt the wind and tasted the salt in the air before we entered the Tap House. This band was just as rockin’ and the crowd was much bigger. We found a table and ordered another round.

It wasn’t long before we became those old women we laughed at in our youth, dancing in front of the band… “You don't have 2 be cool to rule my world, ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with, I just want your extra time and your [insert air drum and air guitar riff] KISS.”  One of us must not have been too bad, because it wasn’t long after we sat down to the left a young boy appeared, wrong table young man… no Mrs. Robinson here, but thanks. We chatted with the shy guy who turned out to look in many directions at the same time, possibly due to his “hidden booty” of jello shots and the beer on the table, but he was a plunge expert and pretty amusing to me. While the bar stool across the room seemed to hold the man in the plaid shirt balanced in place with a magnetic attraction, the scene across the table was that of magnets repelling. The shy guy had become known as Pirate Dave and his friend was just creepy. It became time to go, Pirate Dave said he would have booty to share and a wee mermaid on his shoulder at the plunge, “ARRRRRRGH.” Our laughter echoed in the ally and we cried in hysterics as we navigated the crosswalk. Four women, two bars, two bands, a few thousand laughs, and the adventures have just begun.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Countdown to the Plunge

Today, I spent a few extra minutes in the middle school pickup circle clipping tulle and slipping loops of it onto ribbon, the fourth tutu is complete. I drove to pick up an amazingly crafted Tony the Tiger sign that my mom painted. I came home to sit in front of the television and sew together tiger striped and black triangles to create ears. I am typing with mildly blistered fingers for minutes ago I hot glued four pair of ears to headbands. The Frosted Flakes costumes are complete!

In less than 48 hours four crazy women will be on their way to the Atlantic Ocean to spend the night giggly like little girls, waking to don tutus, tiger ears and blue noses and PLUNGE into the frigid ocean…
all in the name of the Special Olympics and a Flying Fabulously into Forty.  

Thanks for following us… let the fun continue!